Robin Kent

Dr Robin Kent

Dr Kent has a B.Eng. (Hons.) in Materials Engineering from Monash University (Australia) and a Ph.D. in Polymer Physics from the University of Surrey (UK).

Dr Kent has been involved with plastics processing since 1971 in a variety of sectors ranging from extrusion to injection moulding. He has wide experience in production and product design, having worked as Technical Director for several of the major plastics processing and window systems companies in UK and Europe. Since 1995 he has specialised in energy and sustainability management for industry and as an independent consultant, he has carried out energy surveys and assessments on over 550 companies throughout the world.

His publications include over 550 technical and management articles and papers on plastics and windows and 12 books on plastics processing. He regularly lectures on energy and sustainability management in plastics processing and materials technology throughout the world. He has chaired 5 committees setting standards for the UK plastics and window industry and is a regular judge for major plastics industry awards.

Dr Kent is a past Chairman of the Plastics Consultancy Network ( – the foremost grouping of plastics consultants in the world.

Dr Kent is a Fellow of the Energy Institute (, a Chartered Engineer and a Chartered Energy Manager.

Dr Kent is a Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Horners ( and Freeman of the City of London.

Dr Kent was awarded the Plastics Industry Awards 2010 ‘Personal Contribution’ award for his work as ‘a champion of energy efficiency and for helping numerous processors to make savings through better energy use’.

Dr Kent was awarded the British Plastics Federation Gold Medal 2023 for his contributions to the BPF and the British plastics industry.

“Never happier than when in safety boots, ears and a bump hat underneath a machine trying to find out how it can be made more efficient”.

Some mysteries never lose their thrill.

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