Accounting for energy efficiency

How to incorporate energy efficiency into the accounting process and add discipline

© Tangram Technology

Benchmarking energy use in plastics processing

How to benchmark sites and machines for most processing methods

© Tangram Technology

Carbon footprint spreadsheet for plastics processing

A template to calculate the carbon footprint for plastics processors

© Tangram Technology

Electricity – A first primer

All you need to know about electricity, when and how you use it and how the bills are created

© Tangram Technology

Energy management in ceramics

A guide to energy management in ceramics processing

© Tangram Technology

Energy management in plastics processing

A guide to energy management in plastics processing

© Tangram Technology

Energy management in plastics processing – top tips

A3 poster of the energy management top tips

© Tangram Technology

Energy management in plastics processing – a measurement framework

The essential framework

© Tangram Technology

Energy management in rubber processing

A guide to energy management in rubber processing

© Tangram Technology

Energy map spreadsheet for plastics processing

A template to set up an energy map for plastics processors

© Tangram Technology

Energy saving tips of the month

The collected columns of the Energy Saving Tip of the Month from Plastics Engineering

© Tangram Technology

EMS in plastics processing

How to implement an Environmental Management System (EMS) for plastics processors

© Tangram Technology

EMS – Aspects checklist

A comprehensive checklist for environmental aspects of a company, site, building or department

© Tangram Technology

EMS – The initial review

Checklists and forms for carrying out an EMS initial review at plastics processing sites

© Tangram Technology

Net zero – An introduction

An introduction to net zero for plastics processors. Produced for the British Plastics Federation


Net zero – A practical guide

A practical guide to net zero for processors. Produced for the British Plastics Federation


Performance Characteristic Lines (PCL)

How to calculate the PCL for single and multiple energy use drivers

© Tangram Technology

Plastics and the UN SDGs

The challenges, opportunities and actions for the industry to help achieve the UN SDGs

© Tangram Technology

Resource efficiency in plastics processing

Actions to improve resource efficiency in plastics processing

© Tangram Technology

Site cost review for plastics processors

A self-assessment of the currrent status of a site in cost management

© Tangram Technology

Site energy review for plastics processors

A self-assessment of the currrent status of a site in energy management

© Tangram Technology

Site sustainability review for plastics processors

A self-assessment of the current status of a site in sustainability management

© Tangram Technology

Staff training for energy management (English)

PowerPoint staff training in energy management

© Tangram Technology

Staff training for energy management (Portuguese)

PowerPoint staff training in energy management

© Tangram Technology

Staff training for energy management

Trainer’s notes for PowerPoint staff training course (English)

© Tangram Technology

Staff training for sustainability management (English)

PowerPoint staff training in sustainability management

© Tangram Technology

Staff training for sustainability management

Trainer’s notes for PowerPoint staff training course (English)

© Tangram Technology

Sustainability triangle

Sustainability not what you think it is, it is not only about the environment, it is social and economic too

© Tangram Technology

Technology briefing – energy

A 2-page quick read for busy managers about energy management and the important things to do

© Tangram Technology

Technology briefing – waste

A 2-page quick read for busy managers about waste minimisation and the important things to do

© Tangram Technology

Waste minimisation in glass processing

Tools and techniques to reduce waste in glass processing

© Tangram Technology

Waste minimisation in plastics processing

Tools and techniques to reduce waste in plastics processing

© Tangram Technology